Zofia GorajAge: 85 years1913–1999
- Name
- Zofia Goraj
- Given names
- Zofia
- Surname
- Goraj
- Married name
- Zofia Rogóż
Birth | December 19, 1913 27 20 |
Marriage | Stanisław Rogóż — View this family February 3, 1932 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a husband | Stanisław Rogóż July 12, 1965 (Age 51 years) |
Death | January 30, 1999 (Age 85 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Szczepan Goraj Birth: December 26, 1885 58 33 — Sąspów, Polska Death: |
mother |
Zuzanna Ratoń Birth: August 4, 1893 33 32 — Sąspów, Polska Death: |
Marriage: June 26, 1912 — Sąspów, Polska |
18 months herself |
Zofia Goraj Birth: December 19, 1913 27 20 — Sąspów, Polska Death: January 30, 1999 — Sąspów, Polska |
Family with Stanisław Rogóż |
husband |
Stanisław Rogóż Birth: August 3, 1912 34 29 — Sąspów, Polska Death: July 12, 1965 — Sąspów, Polska |
herself |
Zofia Goraj Birth: December 19, 1913 27 20 — Sąspów, Polska Death: January 30, 1999 — Sąspów, Polska |
Marriage: February 3, 1932 — Sąspów, Polska |